Nutrition for pregnant women

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Pattern of feeding pregnant affects their health, and the health of the fetus, as well as for his role in the formation of a child's eating habits during childhood and beyond. For a healthy pregnancy is reflected positively on the health of women and children, to be a healthy diet - balanced., Which is considered an important corner of the pillars of a healthy pregnancy.

That eating healthy foods during pregnancy is more important than ever. Because the pregnant woman need more protein, iron, calcium, folic acid (vitamin (B9), more calories. But eat for two, does not necessarily mean eating more. But eating a balanced diet along with physical fitness is the best recipe for good health during pregnancy. by following the following tips:
The breakfast is essential to the health of anyone, but it is more important for pregnant women. Ready-eat cereal, cooked cereal with fruit or cereals fortified with nutrients, such as iron or calcium. A day is necessary for better health for pregnant and the fetus.
Avoid drinking alcohol
A lot of research has created that there is a relationship between drinking alcohol premature birth, mental retardation and birth defects, low birth weight, so pregnant women should avoid drinking alcohol.
Reduction of caffeine
Avoid a lot of caffeine by reducing drinking coffee, tea and soft drinks. Quantity intake should be no more than 300 mg of caffeine a day. 8 cups of coffee contains 150 mg of caffeine, one cup of black tea contains 80 mg, 12 cups of soda contains 30-60 mg of caffeine.

 Quit Smoking
Smoking damages many on the health of the fetus and the mother, including: weight less of the fetus, devices body of the fetus to be smaller, ill functions of the lungs, infection of the middle ear, bronchitis, increased risk of miscarriage in pregnant woman smoked, the injury risk of placental abruption leading to premature birth, or death of the fetus before birth
Many physiological changes occur in a pregnant woman's body during pregnancy, including increasing the weight of the pregnant woman. This increase is attributable to an increase in total blood volume by 60%, milk chest is full, increase the size of the uterus to accommodate the increase the size of the fetus and the fluid that surrounds it. To accomplish these changes the pregnant body needs to nearly 300 additional calories per day during the second and third quarter of pregnancy. Pregnant should discuss nutritional needs with a specialist doctor.

Fat is an essential part of a healthy diet, but some fats are better for health than others. And should be addressed to ensure the sufficient quantity of beneficial fats. Fatty acids play a particularly important during pregnancy because it supports the growth of the brain, the eye of the child, and help in the growth of the placenta and other tissues, and studies indicate that some fats may help prevent premature birth and low birth weight.
Good fats found in safflower, olive oil, peanut oil, olives, avocados, nuts and peanut butter, and these foods also reduced cholesterol. Omega fatty acids 3, 6, found in some cold-water fish, flaxseed oil, canola oil, and omega-6 found in sunflower seeds, cotton, corn, and soybean oil.
Eat a variety of foods to get all the nutrients you need. 6.11 a meal of bread and cereals, 2-4 meal of fruit, four or more meals of vegetables to make sure you get 27 mg of iron, 70 mg of vitamin C, 6.8 mg of folic acid daily. And four servings of calcium-rich dairy products daily to ensure access to 1000-1300 mg of calcium in the daily diet during pregnancy. , And three servings of protein sources (meat, poultry, fish, eggs or nuts).
Food intent
To avoid damage caused by the consumption of certain foods intention undercooked and others during pregnancy, which causes toxoplasmosis, salmonella and other harmful bacteria. So avoid raw fish, shellfish. Avoid soft cheeses such as feta, Brie, Camembert, veined, and Mexican cheese because they are often not pasteurized and . Not to eat shark, mackerel, or white fish, because they contain high levels of mercury.
Choose fiber-rich foods such as whole grains, breads, cereals, pasta, rice, fruits and vegetables.
Dietary Supplements
Pregnant women need more nutrients compared with other women. Current research indicates that a balanced diet is generally sufficient to ensure the healthy growth of the child who is not born yet. But for folic acid, iodine, iron, where the deficit during the gestation period of these elements cause major health problems for this reason, experts recommend taking those elements in the form of dietary supplements, and must be taken under the supervision of specialists.


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