You always ask how people able to lose so much weight after many years of diet plan failure
The main reason is
not what they do but what they think
If you’re not truly
ready to make a full-time commitment
chances of long-term success are pretty slim
That’s because when efforts are half-hearted from the get-go, people typically lose interest in their diets soon after they start. The sad truth: It’s not really worth starting a weight loss program if you’re not mentally, emotionally, and psychologically committed. Having your head in the game means understanding your personal goals, being willing to go the distance, and seeing the journey as a lifelong approach to health. When you have your head in the game from the start, you are much more likely not only to lose the weight but also to keep it off for the long term.
All of these successful people are diligent about keeping records of what they ate, how they exercised, and how they felt. They also use weekly self-measurement to record their progress. There’s nothing like watching the numbers going down. It’s a tangible sign that progress is being made. Plus,، a simple gesture like recording each food item with calories, fat grams, and other nutritional information serves two purposes. First, writing it down is an effective way of recommitting. Second, people who track their progress are more likely to stick with their goals, to control portion sizes, and to feel better about themselves as they watch their success. Most obese people spend a lot of effort keeping track of their daily eating and exercise. Whatever your method, keeping track is a necessity if you want to stay on track. I’m not suggesting you drive yourself crazy by writing down every incremental gram of fat or sugar or every half-calorie in a stick of gum. It’s important to know your personality and to craft a tracking program that is beneficial and manageable.
Many people could hardly walk up a flight of stairs without panting and breaking out in a sweat. Now they love to exercise. Believe me, it didn’t happen overnight, but they steadily achieved mastery of the simplest thing in the world moving. When you’re just starting out, it may be hard to do much. Most of people kept it simple. For example, many people started out walking about 500 feet and very gradually built it up until they reached a current average of 3 to 5 miles a day.
The exercise component is important to maintaining energy, boosting metabolism, and helping you feel better every day of the diet. The point is, the smallest amount of physical activity, if done regularly, can reap big rewards. Many people, who were quite obese at the start, found it hard to even walk around the block. But they took their time and gradually improved
Think about all the extras you potentially consume during the day a few chocolates from the office candy bowl, a bite of your kids’ leftovers at lunch, extra tastes while you’re cooking dinner; the list goes on and on. If you cut out the extracurricular nibbles and follow a structured meal and snack schedule, you can easily trim 1,000 calories from your week’s total. A lot of people have the idea that nibbles don’t count. Stacy, a teacher who kept candy and cookies in her desk drawer, was a regular nibbler throughout the day. Most people couldn’t resist snacking when the opportunity presented itself, whether it was a plate of cookies in the office lunchroom or leftover food on a child’s plate. By changing mindless eating to mindful eating, they could create a meal plan that wasn’t open to sabotage by the extras.
Most of the people had huge soda habits. Several of them drank two to three liters a day of regular soda and filled up multiple times at the drinks bar at the fast-food in restaurant. This infusion of calories and pure sugar was among the worst things they could do to their health, yet on some level people manage to convince themselves that drinkable calories don’t count. But if you cut out just one 20-ounce soda each day for a year, you’ll save 91,000 calories, prevent 108 cups of sugar (See? It’s seriously liquid candy) from entering your body, and potentially lose 26 pounds! It’s also common for people to drink an elaborate coffee concoction at a cafe and think, “I only had a coffee,” when the reality is their drink includes whipped cream, chocolate, and sugary syrups. Cutting out the liquid calories is often one of the first and most effective steps to losing weight.
Eating excessive amounts of prepared, packaged foods and that includes fast-food and restaurant meals are a common enemy of effective weight loss. I’m not saying you can’t splurge sometimes or go out to eat. But the majority of time should be spent in your kitchen. This idea can seem overwhelming to people who are not natural cooks or whose busy lifestyles squeeze them for time. But by planning ahead and stocking a few easy staples, it’s a habit that can be learned. Now with Loya Diet you are going to learn to become comfortable in your own kitchens, as your delicious recipes will show you. I advise people to follow these basic rules:
1. Eat breakfast at home.
2. Pack snacks for work or school.
3. Brown-bag lunches.
4. Add your own low-calorie condiments at meals.
Not only will you shave off hundreds of calories a day, you’ll also save money in the bargain
motivation to lose weight
motivation to lose weight
Everybody has them those irresistible foods that elicit the “I’ll bet you can’t eat just one” response. Pizza, corn chips, brownies, fried chicken, chocolate chip cookies, Chinese food, even something as innocent as a finger dip in the peanut butter jar or a handful of dry sugary cereal out of the box is enough to send some people off and running into binge mode. Recognizing and avoiding trigger foods is a great place to start, whether your goal is to lose 20 pounds or 100.
For many people, it’s easier to completely cut out their trigger foods and avoid the painful temptation altogether than to try to satisfy a craving with a small portion. The biggest surprise comes when people discover that their old triggers aren’t that appealing anymore. Soda tastes too sweet; fries are too salty, creamy sauces are too rich. By eating healthfully they’ve changed their taste buds and many of the old cravings are gone.
Everyone slips up. But often, when people give in to temptation and subsequently fall off the wagon for one meal or one day, they tell themselves they’ve blown their diet and throw in the towel for good. This is an incredibly common reaction that I see time and again. To be successful, you have to learn to overcome these temporary setbacks. You can’t let one binge or one off day turn into a full week, or month, of splurging.
Don’t dwell on your mistakes. Instead, shake them off and get right back on track at your very next meal or the very next day. And always remember, nobody gains weight from one rich meal or a single slice of cake. The real trouble starts when you allow that isolated splurge to snowball into an all-out eating frenzy. So take it one meal at a time and learn to forgive yourself; every dieter has slip-ups, but the successful ones know how to keep those occasional lapses contained
motivation to lose weight
motivation to lose weight
Losing 150 pounds seemed a distant goal, but losing 10 pounds was doable. People focused on losing 10 pounds at a time. Every few weeks, they hit another 10-pound goal and celebrated her victory by giving themselves a nonfood reward a new book, new walking shoes, a trip to the movies, and so on. This helped them stay motivated and avoid getting depressed at how long it would take to reach their ultimate ideal weight. I think long-term goals are terrific, but short-term goals can be even more powerful because they reinforce success every step of the way. The point is, keep your goals in perspective. You have an idea of where you want to be, and that long-term goal may change over time. But in the day-to-day process, it’s the short-term goals that keep you going.
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