A diet and child:
- If your child has gained improper eating habits do not panic. Is still in front of you the opportunity to modify these habits and straightened, but you do so as soon as possible.
- If your child has gained improper eating habits do not panic. Is still in front of you the opportunity to modify these habits and straightened, but you do so as soon as possible.
A mother must be mindful since the birth of her child to his diet so as not to incur the trouble of evaluation, and composition of dietary habits sound educational process is slow and long to become personally responsible for his diet.
- You can follow the following tips and rules in feeding your baby since birth and up to the age of 10 years:
1 - from the age of 0-12 months:
Prefers the use of breast-feeding in the first year of the child's age, and are advised to use iron-rich compounds for the child who does not breast-feeding or need supplementary feeding next to the breast milk. You can also use milk buffalo, and preferably after the first year with Remove fat milk in this period because the child's body is growing and is in need to food, it can also take the child mixture balanced grain iron-rich vegetables and fruits and any other types of foods provide the body iron or vitamin (C) c.
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As for eating regular food units begins between the ages of 4-7 months and comes arranged as follows:
1 - iron-rich grains.
2 - vegetables.
3 - fruit.
4 - meat.
And eating quality depends on the child's age and ability to accept such foods. By the end of the first year, the child can eat regular foods needed for growth and improves weight is not excessive weight but at the normal rate and according to the child's appetite.
The following table shows our diets amounts and the number of repetition per day of age (0) and up to 12 months until a year old:
Age (month) of how much the child must intake of nutrition elements (in grams) feeding times (per day) Total nutrition components per day (in grams)
0-1 93-124 6558-744
1-2 93-155 6558-930
2-3 124-186 5620-930
4-5 155-217 5775-1085
6-7 217-248 4868-992
8-12 248 3 744
2 - from the age of 12 months - 18 months:
Breakfast food dinner
Or fruit juices 31 grams of meat or a substitute 31 grams of meat or a substitute
Eggs or a replacement or substitute potatoes or potato alternative
Iron-rich vegetables beans vegetables
Bread fruit or candy
Full-fat milk, whole milk, whole milk
The snacks that permeates the main meals are as follows:
Am noon pm
Fruit Bread Fruit
Bread, dairy products
3 - From the age of 18 months - 3 years:
Must include meals at this age on the four food groups. It must diversification in these foods because child Attracts in this age taste, smell and color, as you should avoid caffeine or excessive use of salt and fat. And recommend using low-fat milk after the second year.
Breakfast food dinner
Or fruit juices 62 grams of meat or a substitute 62 grams of meat or a substitute
Eggs or a replacement or substitute potatoes or potato alternative
Grains Vegetables, edible vegetables
Bread fruit or candy
Snacks recommend eating :
Noon pm
Bread fruit
Dairy products
4 - from the age of 4-9 years:
The diet of the child at this age is just like diet for adults and in the same proportions. Avoid excessive use of fats, salt and sugars, and caffeine is used in a moderate manner. And dairy recommend eating low-fat or fat-free. In this age child-rearing should be on healthy eating habits and healthy.
Breakfast food dinner
Or fruit juices 62 grams of meat or a substitute 62 grams of meat or a substitute
Eggs or a replacement or substitute potatoes or potato alternative
Grains Vegetables, edible vegetables
Bread fruit or candy
Noon pm
Bread fruit
Dairy products
As for the amounts needed by each child's age at each stage passes by, illustrated by the following table:
Group food magnitude Age (year)
1 1-3 4-5 6-9
1 - milk and milk products (45 grams cheese = 1 cup of milk) 4 1/2 cups 1/2- 3/4 cup 3/4 cup 3/4 - 1 cup
2 - meat (= egg proteins, or fat-free meat, or fish, or chicken) 3 or more - egg - 2 tsp - egg - 2 tsp - egg - 62 - 93 grams - egg - 62 - 124 grams
3 - Fruit and vegetables: - Vitamin C source: Oranges - Vitamin A source: green or yellow fruits and vegetables - other vegetables: potatoes - beans, etc., or other types of fruit (apple - banana, etc.) (4) At least four amounts - 1/3 cup - 2 tsp - 1/2 cup - 3 teaspoons - 1/2 cup - 1/4 cup - 1/2 cup - 1/4 cup
4 - breads / grains (including rice, pasta, etc.) four (4) amounts at least - 1/2 slice bread - 1/4 cup - slice bread - 1/2 cup 1/2 1 slice bread - 1/2 cup 1 - 2 slice bread - 1/2 cup
5 - fat - carbohydrates - butter -
Ghee - oils: 1 teaspoon of the above = 100 calories and determines the amount as follows: - 1/3 cup ice cream - 2 - 3 pie small - 31 grams Cake - 2 tsp: breeders - my generation - Honey - Sugar and is determined by the the amount of what the child needs calories - 1 teaspoon - one amount - 1 teaspoon - 1/2 -1 Bid - 1 tsp - 1/2 - 1 Bid - 2 tsp - three (3) amounts
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The most important advice must be adhered to is to ensure the safety of these foods to your child.
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