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Is the lack of iron in the red blood cells, and if this shortfall reached 10% of the normal amount, the patient can call it poor and in need of blood for treatment.
Iron functions:

Posted By Unknown23:58

World's Strongest diet to lose belly

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Soup diet for rapid weight reduction

This accursed which they are used soup as a key factor for weight reduction provided by a hospital in cardiac surgery in England for patients who suffer from obesity to work to reduce their weight quickly before a surgical procedure.

Posted By Unknown18:19

Tips for pregnant women

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Sleep and rest:

A pregnant woman to sleep eight hours to ten a day at night, and for an hour after lunch at noon, women feel much urgent need to sleep in the months of pregnancy the first and this is a natural phenomenon holder can not sleep where as you want, but during the months of pregnancy last. It has to sleep on her back or on a Her side so as not to disturb her.

Posted By Unknown18:22

Best meals before and after exercise and the best time to be addressed

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In this issue we will be talking about the best meals before and after exercise to increase the growth of muscles.

What is the best meal before exercise?

In order to be your ideal meal you eat the amount of protein and the amount of Carbohydrate and vegetables

Posted By Unknown22:37

System errors frequently fail weight loss

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When trying to plan food to lose weight, which is repeated too often possible to do some mistakes which in turn fail this process, but in some cases have a negative impact on your health, and the shortcomings of the simple errors do it even play sports with diet, there are very frequent mistakes we fall and spoil the weight loss process.

Posted By Unknown00:01

Four Tips for permanent agility

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Have you noticed that "some people" do not corpulence
Whatever they ate, and no matter how their laziness and lack of movement!?
Did you notice that obese people always stand at a certain weight
And a fixed number no corpulence after him whatever they ate!?
Will also noted that each of the work "diet"
Quickly back to the previous weight and then settle down with him!?

Posted By Unknown22:50

Nutrition for pregnant women

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Pattern of feeding pregnant affects their health, and the health of the fetus, as well as for his role in the formation of a child's eating habits during childhood and beyond. For a healthy pregnancy is reflected positively on the health of women and children, to be a healthy diet - balanced., Which is considered an important corner of the pillars of a healthy pregnancy.

Posted By Unknown02:33

Food program for diabetics

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Diabetes is one of an imbalance of representation genetic diseases where there is total or partial failure in the functions of insulin or decrease the ability of the pancreas to secrete adequate amounts of the hormone insulin with a note affected metabolize fats and proteins.
Symptoms associated with him:

Posted By Unknown04:23

Best diet program at all

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Who among us does not follow a diet to lose weight more than once, and work for a temporary period to lose a little or a lot of weight, and quickly back this weight or more again, then the problem is not in the Diet a few kilograms, but the problem lies in how to keep weight stability after the end of the accursed, access to the summit difficult, but the most difficult is to keep on top.

Posted By Unknown23:02

A child's diet

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A diet and child:
- If your child has gained improper eating habits do not panic. Is still in front of you the opportunity to modify these habits and straightened, but you do so as soon as possible.

Posted By Unknown00:28

Agility after childbirth is very important

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How do you become a graceful after birth

Learn women without men, a situation which the woman immediately after the birth pains of pregnancy, then the pain of the situation. The important thing is that postpartum pain that be for a period of time not exceeding in cases of natural 4 days on the bed.

Posted By Unknown04:54

23 important tips for a better life

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1. Stay away from white three toxins: toxins are white, salt, sugar and white flour avoided as much as possible they are injurious certainly reduced the salt may possible and stay away from the sugar for honey and use brown instead of white flour.

Posted By Unknown00:46

Health food for heart patients

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Healthy food for heart patients
The patient's brother recalls that are not allowed to bring food from home if your access to the hospital and in relation to the diet at home and ensure the safety of your heart must be as follows:

Posted By Unknown04:20

program your weight lose

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This diet was for a person weighing 117 kg, is suffering from obesity and can not exercise because of a herniated disc in the spine, and had advised him to coach fitness work diet of liquids and already in a period of very simple decreased weight 31 kg and became weighed 86 only! !

Posted By Unknown10:53

Very Important To Weight Lose

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Walking for half an hour a day:
Says a researcher at the University of Miami, Dr. Janet Bond Brill, that ****** walking contribute much to remove accumulated fat in the central part of one's body. And Dr. Janet conducted a study involving two groups of women, first practiced walking for half an hour a day for a period of five days a week with a program of diet rich in fruits and vegetables. The group abandoned ****** walking exercises and relied on slimming diet program. After 12 weeks, group ****** exercises lost walking largest amount of abdominal fat more than twice the amount lost by the second group which was adopted only
Get rid of the belly, diet to lose belly, get rid of the rumen
Tips to Treat Obesity 2012 program.

Posted By Unknown23:19

Important tips to keep your balance and strengthen the immune system

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Complex operations struggling our immune system against pathogens. Sometimes the immune system departs from the balance of the body becomes more susceptible to disease,  and the German doctors advised of the need to follow a healthy lifestyle helps to strengthen the immune system.

Posted By Unknown00:08

some tips to weight loss

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These are some tips from experts that global help with weight loss and hide the rumen. To suffer from health problems must consult a doctor.

Posted By Unknown15:22

Eating For A Healthy Heart

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In order to be heart healthy and to reduce the risk of developing heart disease, we recommend a low cholesterol diet and low-fat animal source and a little sodium (salt). This diet was designed to reduce high levels of blood pressure, cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood.

Posted By Unknown18:03

easy tips to lose weight

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You always ask how people able to lose so much weight after many years of diet plan failure
 The main reason is
not what they do but what they think
If you’re not truly

Posted By Unknown14:24

Healthy Food Choices

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Eating healthy is something we all would like to do, although it can be hard.  In order to eat healthy, you
must first make the right food choices.  Eating healthy is all about what you eat, which makes the choices very
crucial to your results

Posted By Unknown15:12

Free Weight Loss programs

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The race to fitness is on and a lot of people are getting into the band wagon. Some people do it to achieve a sexy body, some people just do it because they are embarrassed with the body they have now, while others do it simply to remain fit and heatlthy. As such, many fitness programs are out in the internet, in gyms, spas and fitness centers all over. Some are too expensive to afford that one may even lose weight just by trying to work out the money needed to pursue these fitness 

Posted By Unknown14:50

How often should you eat ?

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welcomeThe strategy of eating every three hours worked perfectly for some people. But keep in mind that at the end of the day, it’s the total number of calories you’re eating that matters most—not how many daily meals you’re consuming. As long as your daily calories are appropriate for your weight loss goal, it really doesn’t matter whether those calories are spread out into 5 or 6 mini meals or coming from 3 squares. My advice is to choose the eating plan that best aligns with your schedule and lifestyle and just make sure that your total daily calories are in check

Posted By Unknown10:46