American way to lose 7 kg in one week

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Important tips before starting this program
* When you start this program, a person must be free of disease and consult with your doctor before you start, as well as the program must be applied according to the table and not to eat things that do not exist in the table and is better to start this program on Sunday so enjoy Days on
, Thursday and Friday in terms of the quality of eating ... * deprives eating sugar with tea during this week, as well as honey.

* Fruit: apple, pear, orange, tangerine.
* Vegetables: beans, eggplant, carrots, Parsley, okra, peas, arugula, coriander, zucchini, lettuce, Chrome, cucumber (eaten fresh or cooking with Maggie and without oil)
* Eggs: boiled only.
* Milk: low-fat only.
* Libra: better to follow weight every day early in the morning after going to the toilet and leave the body completely free of clothing and then recording the weight meant even gives you encouragement to continue
* At the end of a week-long program, which will lose 7 kg and if they do not apply the program according to the schedule start all over again the same way, and if you want to lose more than 7 kg take breaks 3 days with a move away from bread, sugar and bananas.

 weight loss programs
 The first day:
Breakfast: apple - orange
Food: fruit platter
Dinner: fruit platter and when you feel hungry, eat fruit

 weight loss programs Second day:
Breakfast: 3 options - Islands - Lettuce
Food: A dish consisting of boiled vegetables with Maggie
Dinner: green salad
Third day:
Breakfast: a mixture of fruits and vegetables, fruit by appetite
Food: vegetables without meat
Dinner: green salad or fruit plate
fourth day :
Breakfast: and bananas cup low-fat milk
Food: 3 Bananas- 2 cup low-fat milk
Dinner: 3 Bananas
- cup low-fat milk
V, VI and VII:

 weight loss programs Breakfast: eggs boiled and cup of milk or fresh orange juice or grapefruit
Food: meat, chicken or fish baked or grilled
Dinner: green salad or fruit salad


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