American way to lose 7 kg in one week

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Important tips before starting this program
* When you start this program, a person must be free of disease and consult with your doctor before you start, as well as the program must be applied according to the table and not to eat things that do not exist in the table and is better to start this program on Sunday so enjoy Days on
, Thursday and Friday in terms of the quality of eating ... * deprives eating sugar with tea during this week, as well as honey.

Posted By Unknown03:41

The reasons for weight gain

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The people who work at night and eat their food in late or those who wake up in the middle of the night for a snack most prone to obesity and weight gain.

And controlled by hormonal fluctuations and changes in the routine which is also called "circadian rhythm" to the human body and mainly involved eating at the supposed time during the day. 

Posted By Unknown16:48

Healthy food for the elderly

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Should consider the following in their diet:
Reduce the number of calories they consume that food contains elements of a balanced rich in protein .. Medium for a relatively poor carbohydrate fat full of vitamins.
Eat your vegetables in abundance to help the digestive system to work to the fullest with reducing the amount of salt to reduce fluid held by the tissue. Meals at regular intervals so that there be at least 4 hours between the meal and the other.

Posted By Unknown02:07

Tips before you start the accursed system

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Tips before you start the accursed system
1. Set a reasonable target for a balanced body, you must divide the diet approach to several phases especially when the desire loss of more than 10 kilograms.
2. Failure to follow the system of deprivation or starvation in order to slim.
3. Privacy: In order to avoid the criticism and avoid "tips" Friends on the system used.

Posted By Unknown04:35

The best advices for athletes

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If you exercise jogging or aerobics or train in the gym for a period not exceeding time every day you do not need to worry about feeding program for Exercise and Sport, followers basic rules for a healthy diet that will provide you energy and food required for the exercise of these activities. But if you play sports for more than 90 minutes a day, especially if you participate and compete in sporting events intense, the special diet will help you to provide the best performance and recharge faster later, so offer you these five tips essential for athletes:

Posted By Unknown23:05

10 bad habits lead to weight gain

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Explain researchers and experts
That one structure may respond to some trivial things that may have a great impact on the march
One, so experts advise rid of bad eating habits, which lead to weight gain
It is possible that the cause of obesity, and replace them with healthy habits that ensure the safety body. As
There are some persons who commit errors are common in their followers in order to diet
Weight loss.

Posted By Unknown22:37

Chili benefits for the body

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Chili is good for health, although temperature.

Strengthen the stomach and aid digestion

Possess chili stimulate the role of the mouth, stomach and intestines and increases the movement of the stomach and intestines and Secretion pay hormones digestion and improves the flavor of foods.

Posted By Unknown03:33